Today's Quote:
People are like stained - glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Each day is a brand new day. We don't know what this day will bring until we live it. Some days will change our path in life in a single second. Someone you love may get sick, or injured. It may even be you this time around. Or, even better someone you know and love may have a miracle happen to them, and it may be you also. We don't know when we awake what the day will hold. And it only takes a second to change your life forever.
What we can do in the meantime, in between those life altering moments, is cultivate our own strength from the inside. God doesn't give any of us more than what we can or were meant to handle. Trust in the process. Do your part in being present to the ups and the downs. The great moments, and the grief.
Hopefully this day will bring a miracle. Trust that miracles are everywhere, and there's no reason that today's miracle shouldn't be yours. Light up from the inside and show the world your light, not your fear. Be present to this day. Let love in from the outside, and let love out from the inside. Shine on my friends.
Love this quote! My friend Sarah just posted this one yesterday on Facebook. I plan to commit this one to memory. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the world.