Monday, April 25, 2011

The difference between what you "should be doing" and what you "wish you were doing".

If I were to give advice on how to live your best life you must first decide between the two inner voices: what should you be doing verses what you want to be doing? Hint: Should sucks. Go with the want if you truly want to live in alignment with the desires of your heart and the existence of your passion. It's that time.
First things first though, you must define what it is you truly want to be doing in your life.
There are always two voices: the one that is in the back of your head (your mother) telling you what she expects from you and the money that should be following. Then there is the other one; the one down deep in your heart that wishes that you were following your dreams. Unfortunately, the voice of the heart is much softer in tone as it whispers your truth to you. The voice in your head seems to scream. Both can lead to success...but do you trust it?
If you are following the path that has too many "should's" in are going the wrong way. Should is judgment and nothing good comes after SHOULD.
As Joseph Campbell so brilliantly said: "Follow your bliss and the Universe will open doors where there were only walls."
The world is changing, and so are you...or you would not have found this little tid bit of writing anyway! So, yes, I am talking directly to you and I'm offering what you know you want to hear...go after the dream.
Ask yourself: what's the worst that can happen? And go from there.

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